되찾다; 다시 얻다.
To retrieve or regain something that was lost, taken away, or previously owned.
잃어버리거나, 빼앗기거나, 이전에 소유했던 것을 되찾는 것을 의미합니다.
To describe the act of recovering possession of something that was misplaced, lost, or taken by someone else. This phrase emphasizes the successful effort to regain control or ownership of something.
주로 분실했거나 다른 사람에게 넘어간 물건이나 권리를 되찾는 행동을 나타냅니다. 다시 소유하거나 통제권을 회복하려는 노력을 강조합니다.
A: Did you manage to get your phone back after leaving it at the café?
B: Yes, thankfully someone turned it in to the lost-and-found.
A: That’s lucky. It’s stressful to lose something so important.
B: Absolutely, I’m relieved to have it back.
A: 카페에 두고 온 휴대폰 되찾았어?
B: 응, 다행히 누군가 분실물 보관소에 맡겼더라.
A: 운이 좋네. 중요한 걸 잃어버리면 정말 스트레스 받잖아.
B: 맞아, 되찾아서 안심이야.
She was determined to get back the money she lent to her friend.
그녀는 친구에게 빌려준 돈을 되찾으려고 단단히 마음먹었다.
He fought hard to get back the position he lost in the company.
그는 회사에서 잃었던 직위를 되찾기 위해 열심히 싸웠다.
After losing their land, the farmers worked together to get it back.
땅을 잃은 후, 농부들은 그것을 되찾기 위해 협력했다.
I need to get back my jacket from Sarah before it gets too cold.
날씨가 더 추워지기 전에 사라에게서 내 재킷을 되찾아야 해.
The thief was caught, and the stolen jewelry was finally gotten back by the owner.
도둑이 잡혀서 주인이 마침내 도난당한 보석을 되찾았다.